Your power

Sometimes puppies will be playing, and a large one will playfully knock over a smaller one.

The large one isn’t intentionally doing that…
It’s just that the large one isn’t aware of his size.
He isn’t aware of his power.

And so it can be with us sometimes…
When it comes to realizing the power that exists in us through Christ.

It’s power we don’t earn, ask, or beg for…
It’s power that’s been instilled in us…
Through accepting Jesus.

It’s rightful authority.
It’s supernatural.

It’s not something you can lose.
It’s part of you.

It’s not unevenly distributed.
It’s fully in you.

The question is..
Will you fully walk in it?
Will you activate it?

That doesn’t happen accidentally.
That happens by choice.

That happens by knowing what Scripture says…
So you can speak what Scripture says.

Because when you speak the Word…
You bring the Word to life.
(Hebrews 4:12)

The Word of God…
It will not return void.
(Isaiah 55:11)

If God said it…
It will be.

If there’s a boulder in your life…
If it doesn’t want to move…
Speak to it.

Pour God’s promises over it.
That’s power over it.

You can have confidence.
You can have faith.

Your answer may be here today…
It may be tomorrow.

We don’t know the timeline.
But we know that God’s Word is true.
Hold onto that truth.

Keep unleashing your power.
You’re unconquerable.
(Romans 8:37)



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