One day…

What’s your…
“One day…”?

What’s a desire you’ve had?
What’s a gift you haven’t fully used?
What’s a dream you’ve had?

What’s felt scary?
What beautiful things have you wanted to create?
What business have you wanted to start?

What have you wanted to do?
What’s been a deep desire, for a long time?

What’s your…
“One day…”?

“One day…”
It’s the safe thing to say.

It keeps the hope alive of “some day”, that keeps you comfortable “today”.

But we’re not in this world forever.
Someday, the “one day…” won’t have another day.

But, how do we make “one day…”, today?

We follow Peter’s lead.
We keep our eyes on Jesus, and we get out of the boat.
We don’t doubt.
We trust.

“… Peter replied, ‘tell me to come to you on the water.'”
“‘Come,’ he said. …”
-Matthew 14:28-29, NIV

And so, Peter listened, he stepped out, stepped on to the water, and kept focused on Jesus.

The courage wasn’t Peter’s, it was courage through Jesus.

But then, Peter’s gaze went from his source of power, to the surrounding circumstances, and fear replaced faith, and he began to sink.

“Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. ‘You of little faith,’ he said, ‘why did you doubt?'”
-Matthew 14:31, NIV

It’s a powerful example of the power, safety, and supernatural possibilities that comes from focus on our Savior, not our surroundings.

And it’s also a powerful example, that even when we slip, He doesn’t let us sink.

“Immediately Jesus reached out his hand…”
-Matthew 14:31, NIV

If God’s put something on your heart, He did it purposely.
That hunger, that desire, it’s your direction.
Walk with God into it.


God guiding and providing?

No more…
“One day…”

Give God your fear.
Give God your focus.
It’s time to get out of your boat.

Good things are waiting for you.
Go get them with God.



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