Helping is healing

When we’re experiencing pain or disappointment, we can often retreat.
We can close ourselves off to others.
We can dwell on what we’re going through.

But, there’s healing in helping others.
There’s a salve for the soul in the act of serving others.

Jesus taught us that in Mark 10:45 (NIV):
“For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

Jesus was the embodiment of selfless service, and His example is our guide.

Serving others can take many forms.
Do what you’re best able to do.

That may be as simple as praying on behalf of someone.
Or, providing a helping hand, or a listening ear.

But whatever is on your heart to do, if you’re able to do it, then do it.
In doing so, you will shift the focus off yourself, which will lighten your burden.

So, don’t isolate yourself in your pain.
Don’t retreat.

There’s healing in helping others.
There’s comfort, and joy in helping others.

Start serving.
And you’ll feel better.



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