You have the key, use it

Just as a surgeon uses a scalpel to remove what’s unhealthy, the Word of God cuts through our unhealthy thoughts, and renews our mind with truth.

The Word gets right to the heart of things.
It cuts to the core.

The Word lays bare the deepest parts of us.
And in doing so, it gives us the opportunity to face ourselves.
To confront what needs to be confronted.
To change what needs to be changed.

So, I want to encourage you…
Dive into the Word, daily.
You’ve got to get in it, to get what you need out of it.
Make it such a habit, that a day without it, is a day with a hole in it.
Embrace it, and let it do its work.

If it brings conviction, embrace that conviction.
It’s a tool for growth.

If it brings comfort, embrace that comfort.
It’s a source of peace.

If it brings clarity, embrace that clarity.
It’s a light for your path.

Sharpen your life with the Word of God.
Equip yourself with it.
Arm yourself with it.

“The word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires.”
(Hebrews 4:12, NLT)

You have the key, use it.
Your life will benefit.



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