Are you worried about something?

Whatever it may be, be encouraged and reminded that He’s been there for you before and will be there for you again.

Whatever it may be, keep in mind that the power of the almighty God, is at work on your behalf.

It may be relationship related, it may be job related, it may be money related, it may be health related.

Whatever it may be… do… not.. forget… for a second, God is with you, and working on your behalf, even when it doesn’t feel like it.

“And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28)

You may not feel strong with whatever you’re facing, but with God you are strong, so stand strong.

Come on now.

If you’re facing something tough, know that you’re going to conquer that thing, because your God is bigger than that thing, and your God is more than able to conquer anything.

Pray that His strength will flow through you.
Pray that you will feel His strength.
Pray that you will be filled with peace, knowing you have nothing to worry about, nothing to fear.

Know that your circumstances have no power because you serve a God with endless power.

He defeated death and He will be there to help you defeat whatever you’re facing.

Rely on Him.
Give the situation to Him.

Don’t stress, don’t strain, don’t worry… that’s for the world to do, not for you to do, a child of the King of Kings.

You are royalty through Christ.

Let that truth encourage you.
Let that truth comfort you.
Let that truth flood you with peace.

Don’t let another minute of peace be robbed from you.

Give your situation to God, who loves you endlessly.

Trust Him.
Rest in that trust.
Praise Him.

Your answer.
Your open door.
Your fresh start.
Your fresh relationship.
Your renewal.
Your healing.
Your solution.
Your request.
Your need, is coming.

Believe it.
Commit it to the Lord.
Rest in it.

Your victory.
Your resolution.
Your healing, is coming.

Thank you Lord!



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