Give your gift

God uniquely created you.

You are you, not by accident, but by His intentional design.

“For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.” (Ephesians 2:10, NKJV)

Some may say, “What are my talents?”

Ask yourself…
What ignites your passion?
What makes your heart sing?
What feels natural when you do it?
What do people compliment you about?
What brings you joy?

Whatever comes to mind, cultivate it.
Spend time developing it.

And remember…
A talent isn’t just something performed on stage.
A talent, a gift, could be the ability to connect and communicate in a way that makes people feel special.
It could be a heart for helping people.
It could be a technical mind, that loves to figure things out.
It could be a love to create.

Whatever it is for you, let it out, let it flourish.
It will bring a smile to you.
It will brighten your day.
It will invigorate you.

It’s what God wants.
He didn’t gift you, for the gift to be hidden.
He gifted you, to give it to others.

And it’s a gift with no end.
Keep giving it.



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