Invest in relationships

We were created for relationship.
Relationship with God, and relationship with others.

We were not created to go through life alone.
God said it Himself in Genesis 2:18, “It is not good that man should be alone…”

That’s why He created Eve for Adam.
He created the opportunity for companionship, for relationship, for love.

And while our relationships are often far from perfect, they’re so important to nurture.

It’s through relationships that we grow, learn, and enrich our lives.

Do they require time?
Do they require effort?
Do they require being intentional?

Absolutely, and that can be easier at some times than others, but like a muscle that doesn’t grow without being used, so too does a friendship not deepen without investment.

So I encourage your to invest in relationships.
Take time to nurture them.
Make them a priority in your life.

Be a good listener.
Be present with them.
Show them that you care.

And don’t be afraid to be vulnerable.
Share your heart with them.
Be open and honest about your thoughts and feelings.

It’s through vulnerability that deeper connections are made.
It’s through vulnerability that we show others that we trust them, and that we value them.

So let’s invest in our relationships.
Let’s make them a priority.

Your life will not only be enriched, but so will the lives of your friends.



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