When you feel led by God to pursue something, stay persistent

When you feel led by God to pursue something, stay persistent!

Stick to it through challenges, through opposition, through obstacles.

“The godly may trip seven times, but they will get up again. …”
(Proverbs 24:16, NLT)

Made a mistake?
Try again!
Get up again!

Something didn’t work out?
Try again!
Get up again!

Something was harder than you thought it would be?
Try again!
Get up again!

Whatever it is.
Try again!
Get up again!

You will not stay down.
Your God given destiny is too important.

Someone may try to sabotage your success.
You will get up again!

Someone may gossip about you, trying to bring you down in some way.
You will get up again!

Someone may try to take advantage of you in some way.
You will get up again!

You will not stay down!
You will always stand up, and always be taking steps toward your God given destiny.

God is your strength.
God will take you to and through what He’s called you to do.
Lean on Him.

Don’t expect your path to be a cakewalk. It would be too easy for any of us to fall into a trap of thinking it’s because of our own smarts and strengths, not His wisdom, His working, and His strength.

He’s going to give you a path that requires faith.
Faith is pleasing to Him because faith requires Him.

God wants to always be the center of your life, so don’t expect to have a purpose that doesn’t involve being close to Him.

A failure, a mistake, a misstep are nothing more than stepping stones towards your purpose.

Don’t fear it.
Embrace it.
Learn from it.

As long as you have peace from God about a decision, feel confident stepping forward.

You will never know where God can take you unless you step forward and do your part.

A muscle doesn’t grow unless it’s stretched, flexed, and had resistant put on it… And you don’t grow unless you’re stretched, flexed, and had resistance put on you.

Accept and expect challenges, obstacles, and opposition.
They’re all preparing you for where you’re going.

Stay close to God!
Listen to His guidance!
Feel His peace directing you!

Stay persistent!

Learn from each experience.
And let each lesson lift you to your next level!



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