What fills you, spills from you

We flip through our phones.
We flip through tv channels, and music options.
We flip through books, and magazines.

We take in more because there’s simply more available than ever before.

But not everything that goes in us, is good for us.
That’s why we’ve got to control what goes in, because what goes in, comes out.

What fills you, spills from you.

Listen to scary things in the news, it’s easy to feel scared.
Listen to complaining, it’s easy to complain.
Listen to gossip, it’s easy to gossip.
The list goes on.

But it works just as well the other way, which is why it’s so important that you’re filled with good things.

Listen to an encouraging show, it’s easy to be encouraged.
Listen to uplifting music, it’s easy to be uplifted.
Simple examples, but true examples.

God knows this, and tells us this…
“Summing it all up, friends, I’d say you’ll do best by filling your minds and meditating on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious—the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse.” (Philippians 4:8, MSG)

That’s God’s direction.
That’s our lens to look through.
That’s our filter.

Is it positive?

We don’t need negativity going in, because like a boomerang, it’s coming out.

It’s coming out in our emotions.
It’s coming out in our conversations.
It’s coming out in our decisions.

If it’s going in…
It’s coming out.

So, I want to encourage you…
Let an abundance of good, uplifting, and encouraging things go in you.

Sow good seeds in yourself, so good sprouts out.

Don’t let the world shove in anything and everything that looks interesting.

Be a curator of what you consume.

You’ll be better for it.
You’ll be blessed.



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