Your daily life is your greatest testimony

Is there something different about you?
Is there something that makes people who come in contact with you, think, I want the joy they have.

It’s been said before, but the greatest preaching, isn’t words, its actions… it’s how we live our lives.

Your faith comes across much stronger in the way you live your life, then any specific words you can say.

You can influence.
You can convict peoples hearts.
You can plant seeds in peoples hearts, that can grow into their own conviction in their faith.
You can speak so loudly about your faith, without preaching a direct word at someone.

People take notice.
People will notice you’re different.
People will notice your joy.
People will notice the spark that Christ in your life gives you.
And your walk, walking in the Word, in Christ, each day… will create opportunities, where people are open and inquisitive about your faith.

And that creates wonderful, open, moments to share your faith directly.
Moments that aren’t forced on someone, but asked by someone.

Do your best to live a Christ-like life.
Be consistent in your faith.
Live out your faith, daily, the same in private, as in public.

God will place you in God-aligned moments to share your faith through your actions and your words.

Just do your part.
Be obedient, as best you can.

And God will intervene to use you, to reach people, to glorify His Kingdom.
And a great joy you will have.



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