Live a life close to God, and people will be amazed at what happens in your life

How blessed we are to be able to have a personal relationship with the Creator of all.

He has endless power, and He cares, and loves each of us deeply… a deeper love than any of us can even imagine.

A close relationship with God is available to all of us, yet so few of us actually pursue a close relationship with God.

We give time and thoughts to so much that doesn’t matter.

We worry, and fret, and try to figure out solutions to problems in our own strength… and that self dependence, leads to frustration and fear.

We could all benefit by keeping our eyes on God more, reading our Bible more, praying more.

Going to God needs to be our starting point, no matter what we’re going through.

Life is better with God directing us, but we need to seek Him, to pursue Him, to go to Him, to be in tune with Him.

That consistent dependence on God is what leads to things happening in your life that only God could do.

That’s the life I want for you.
That’s the life I want for me.

That’s a life that people look at in amazement… a life that gives us opportunities to give God the glory!

Let’s live that life!



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