Surrender, fully

People tend to equate surrender to suffering.
Surrender is viewed as a negative.
It’s viewed as giving up.

But, in God’s Kingdom…
It’s the opposite.

Surrender brings…

Surrender is plugging your life into God’s power.
It’s available to anyone.
But, it’s not forced on anyone.
You have to choose it.

You have to be humble.
You can’t be proud.

“…’God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble.'”
(1 Peter 5:5, NIV)

You have to let your will go, to let God’s power flow.

It’s not about what you want…
What you think you know.

It’s about trusting that God knows what’s best, and knowing you’ll be blessed.
It’s putting God at the center of your life, not selfishness.
It’s acknowledging, God is your source…
Of everything.

It can be scary.
We want what we want.
And we can fear that God won’t give us what we want…
If we give Him full control.
But, that’s a feeling.
That’s not truth.

The truth is that full surrender is the price for accessing God’s full power.

You’ve got to step out of the boat in faith, like Peter did.
You’ve got to suppress yourself…
To elevate God.

“He must increase, but I must decrease.”
(John 3:30, NIV)

Life is not about you.
Your life is about how you can help others.
It’s deception that fulfillment comes from self-serving.
That’s the way of the world.
It’s empty.

Jesus is the ultimate example of surrender…
“For I have come down from heaven, not to do My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me.”
(John 6:38, NKJV)

Without Jesus’ surrender to God’s will, there would be no salvation.

If Jesus lived a surrendered life to the Father…
How could we think we shouldn’t?
He’s our example.

The benefit of His surrender is salvation for anyone who accepts Him.
That’s endless goodness.

In God’s Kingdom, that’s what comes from surrender…
Endless goodness.

So, don’t fear surrender.
Dive into it.

No partial surrender.
That’s just a mist of His goodness.
That’s dipping toes.

Surrender, fully.
That’s getting drenched in His goodness.
That’s getting covered.

That’s a life that says, “I want everything that God wants to give me.”
That’s a life you want to find out about.
That’s your best life.

It’s available.
Choose it.



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