Faith endures

The story of Job is a powerful testament.
He faced extensive suffering, lost everything he held dear, and still he held onto his faith.
He waited patiently on God, and in the end, his patience was rewarded.

“Indeed we count them blessed who endure. You have heard of the perseverance of Job and seen the end intended by the Lord—that the Lord is very compassionate and merciful.” -James 5:11, NKJV

When you’re faced with a hard situation, it can be easy to feel distant from God.
It can feel like you prayers aren’t being heard.

But, God’s silence is not His absence.
He’s with you, always.
He hears your every prayer, and is aware of every tear.
And in His perfect timing, He will act.

So, when it feels like God is distant or silent, take a deep breath, and rest assured, that just as God has been there for you before, He will see you through your current situation.
Rest assured, a better day is coming.

We don’t know all the details.
We don’t know why certain things happen.
But, what we do know is God is with us, He loves us, and He has perfect timing.
We know that He’s the same yesterday, today, and forever. (Hebrews 13:8)
And We know that He works all things together for our benefit. (Romans 8:28)

So, when a situation you’re faced with is hard, lean into your faith, not away from it.
Stay persistent in spending time with God.
Stay persistent in reading the Word.
Stay persistent in prayer.

It might not be the path or timeline you expected, but you will come out of the other side not just victorious, but stronger, wiser, and closer to God.

So, stand strong in your faith.
Keep believing.
Keep trusting.



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