
It’s a beautiful blessing that our ability to be close to God isn’t determined by worldly factors.

It doesn’t matter where you were born, who you were born to, what your bank balance is, what you look like…
None of that brings God closer.

What brings God closer…
Is your choice.

When you draw near to Him…
He draws near to you.
(James 4:8)

That’s the recipe.
Equally available to all…
Through choice.

There’s no uneven love with God.
There’s no privileged love.

There’s no factor out of your control that gives you a VIP relationship with God.

Your relationship with Him is purely determined by your prioritization of Him.

Just like it is with any relationship…
Those closest to you are those you prioritize the most.
It’s as simple as that.

So, give God some thanks today…
That His love for you is absolute and complete.
He couldn’t love you more.

Thank Him that there’s nothing that prevents you from having a close relationship with Him.
It’s completely in your control.

That’s wonderful.
That’s God.



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