
Your body follows your mind.
If your mind thinks you can’t do something…
Your body will agree.

That’s why positivity is so important.
That’s not some opinion…
That’s God’s direction.

“… Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.”
-Philippians 4:8, NLT

“A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person’s strength.”
-Proverbs 17:22, NLT

When your mind is filled with positivity…
Your body responds with vitality.
It’s energy inducing.

Positivity is a propeller.
Negativity, derails.

The devil is well aware of this, which is why he tries to fill your mind with all sorts of discouragement…
Whatever will drag you down.

Because if it drags you down it will distance and deceive you of God’s truth about you.
It will deflate your faith.

Negativity is nothing but clouds of lies that try to cover the light of truth.

The devil wants your life dark.
But every time you turn to God there’s light.
So, keep turning to God!

You do so by turning to Him in trust, in prayer, in Scripture, in worship, in fellowship.
That’s tapping into light.
That’s exposing lies.

That’s realigning your mind to truth.
That’s something that shouldn’t be done some days, or Sundays, but every day.

Discouragement doesn’t discriminate.
It will come after you whenever it can most affect you.
Your weakness is its strength.

But with Christ in you…
There’s nothing but strength in you…
So, stay close to Christ.

That’s the key to clearing out negativity.
That’s the key to victory.
That’s a joyous life.



After I wrote this today, I stood up to pick a coat up from the floor, and in an unexplainable way, my head slammed into the corner of a door.

It was so forceful that it split my skin, and blood started to run down my forehead.
I smiled.

The devil is irate when you’re positive through Christ.
He doesn’t want us uplifting others.

He wants us complaining…
Not praising.

But what was meant to harm…
Will be turned to good.
(Genesis 50:20)

If a scar is left, it won’t be a mark of an attack…
It will be a reminder to keep encouraging.


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