Your blessings

It’s easy to take things for granted, but today, take time to recognize the blessings in your life…
Whether big or small.

You have so much to be thankful for.
You have what others don’t.

You have blessings…
Upon blessings.

You may be reading this and not think so, but I can assure you, you’ll find what you look for.

What would you miss if it was gone?
Keep answering that question, and you’ll keep filling your mind with blessings.

You’ll think of things that you rarely think about…
But truly appreciate.

So, while it may be easy to overlook your blessings…
Make it a habit to recognize them.
You’ll elevate your gratefulness.

And when you elevate your gratefulness…
You’ll find more happiness.

You’ll praise God more for having a greater perspective of how good He is.

You’ll have more joy, which will spill over into other people’s lives.

There’s so much goodness that comes from regularly recognizing your blessings.

So, today, think…
What would I miss if it was gone?
And then answer it again, and again, and again.
And then again, and…
You get the point.

You’ll feel a difference.
You’ll feel better.



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