
We’ve all seen people with chiseled muscles…
Muscles that are distinctly defined.

But those muscles didn’t develop because of desire…
They developed because of effort.

A consistent decision was made to lift weights.
The fruit of which is visible.

Like most things in life…
You get out of something, what you put into it.
The greater your investment…
The greater your output.

And so it is with your faith.
We all want to have rock-solid, walk on water faith.
But it comes through a choice.

It comes through consistently feeding yourself truth…
Which comes through Scripture…
Which elevates your trust.

It’s a matter of making it a habit to prioritize God…
Which deepens your relationship…
Which strengthens your faith.

Think of your relationships…
Which are the deepest?

It’s who you’ve spent the most time with.
It’s who you’ve talked to the most.
That’s who you trust the most.

How can anyone expect a strong faith if it’s only fueled by a few minutes on Sundays?

Sunday time with God is important time with God…
It’s just not enough time with God.
We need more time with God.

We should seek a relationship with God that’s so deep that storms aren’t scary.

They’re just exciting opportunities to see God’s mighty power at work.

Because no matter what the situation…
God is at work.

“And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.”
-Romans 8:28, NLT

And the deeper our relationship with Him…
The clearer that becomes.

So, let’s spend time with Him.
Let’s deepen our relationship with Him.
You’ll find out that when you need to flex your faith…
Your faith isn’t just strong…
It’s unbreakable.



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