Tricks & truth

If you’re a Christ follower…
The devil is going to aim his arrows at you.
You’re a threat.

Your life reflects Christ.

That doesn’t mean he’s going to have success.
But, that doesn’t stop him.

Expect little arrows of irritations to try to poke you.
Anything to frustrate you.
Anything to rattle you.

Because an emotionally rattled person…
Is often a complaining person.

And a complaining person is often a negative person.
And a negative person…
You get the point.

It’s a slippery slope
It’s a sneaky trick.

But, much like a magician, tricks don’t have the same impact when you know what’s going on.
That’s a magician’s biggest fear…
That you know the truth.

That’s the devil’s biggest fear…
That you know the truth.

When you live with that awareness…
Your perspective changes.

When I pried open a stuck cupboard that swung with force to hit me in the head…
I smiled.

It’s a spark trying to bring a harmful fire.
But, guess what?

When it’s clear who’s behind it, and the intention of it…
Proverbs 30:5 is what I’ll pour on it.

“… He is a shield to those who put their trust in Him.”
-Proverbs 30:5, NKJV

So, when little arrows of irritation are aimed at you…
When they try to poke you…
You recognize it!

Your recognization of it…
Strips its power.

You’ll find yourself smiling more.
And fuming less.

Arrows meant to harm you are going to find out that they have no effect on you.

The devil’s going to have yet another reminder that his hope for your hopelessness is hopeless.

Your life is too full of truth!
Thank God!



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