
There’s craziness in the world.
There’s no denying it.

Turn on the news…
You’ll see it.

Scroll through your feed…
You’ll feel it.

But here’s truth that never changes…
God is still on the throne.

No matter what’s going on in the world…
No matter what’s in the news…
God is still on the throne.

That’s as true today, as it will be tomorrow, as it will be in ten thousand tomorrows.
God is still on the throne.

Nothing happens without His knowledge.
Nothing catches Him off guard.
He’s never surprised.

But when we look at the world through our eyes…
It’s easy for fear to strike.

But when we look through eyes of faith…
We see the throne.

We see a God who created everything in existence.
We see a God who has complete control.
We see a God who knows all.

That’s a foundation…
That’s certain.

That’s the God we serve.
That’s the God who holds us.
That’s assurance.

So, when you see the storms of the world…
When the winds are blowing strong in your life…
You remind yourself of this…
God is still on the throne.

That’s wonderful.
That’s God.



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