
When we get into routines…
It’s so easy to simply expect everything we have.
We’re just living life.

Health, friendships, income, you name it…
It can all be taken for granted…
It can be expected.

It’s just the nature of frequency.
The more it’s part of our everyday…
The less thought we give to it.

But, let’s say someone hurts their hand…
They’ll be quickly reminded of how wonderful it was to have two perfectly working hands, and how much harder it is until it heals.

It’s a simple example.
You get the point.

There’s plenty of people out there who would love to have what you have.

There’s plenty of people out there who would love to do what you’re able to do.

You may not have everything.
You may not be able to do everything.
But, no one does.

I want to encourage you to make it a habit to recognize the blessings in your life, both big and small.

Not just what’s new in your life…
Which is easier to recognize.

What would you miss if it was gone?
That’s a list of blessings that will go on and on if you think about it.

It’ll leave you feeling thankful.
It’ll leave you feeling good.

It’ll give you a boost of joy and energy.
It’ll bring cheer to your heart…
Which is good medicine.
(Proverbs 17:22)

It’ll help your mind stay positive…
Which is what God wants.
(Philippians 4:8)

He knows what’s best for us.
He wants us full of thankfulness.
(1 Thessalonians 5:18)

So, whether you feel great today or it’s a tough day…
Give yourself a boost today.

Take a moment to think about what you’re thankful for.
You’ll find yourself feeling better.
That’s God’s guidance.



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