
Every day the devil is in his persistent pursuit of trying to distance as many people from God as possible.

He’s trying to distract, discourage, and deceive.
He’s not wasting time because he knows the time will come when his time is up.

He’ll use any tactic to keep people from praying, praising, and prioritizing God.

So, even though it’s an unseen battle…
It’s a very real battle.

You’ve likely felt it.
You’re targeted.

You’re reflecting Christ.
You’re a priority.

You’re a Kingdom soldier.
You’re a threat.

You’re not oblivious to his tactics.
You’re not fooled.

Your eyes are wide open.
Your vision, clear.

You’re not just getting by.
You’re life is a blessing to others.
You’re life matters.

That’s why the devil can’t stand you because when he sees you, he sees everything you stand for…
He sees Jesus.

You disrupt his deceit.
So he tries to disrupt your day.
That’s his tactic.

But when he tries to disrupt your day…
When he tries to jab you with irritation, or aggravation, or whatever it might be…
You punch back.

You punch the devil in the face when you read the Word, and declare its truth over your life.

You punch the devil in the face when your strength comes from Christ, not yourself.

You punch the devil in the face when worry is released, and trust is increased.

You punch the devil in the face when you appreciate your blessings, both big and small.

You punch the devil in the face when you forgive yourself for past mistakes, asking for and accepting the gift of forgiveness that Christ has given you.

You punch the devil in the face when you stand up for what’s right, even when it isn’t easy.

You punch the devil in the face when you live a life that doesn’t glorify yourself, but glorifies God.

That’s how you punch the devil in the face, and send him running away bloody.

That might be violent language, but this is someone who wishes you were headed to hell not heaven.
Let’s not sugarcoat it.

So, I’m not going to shy away from violent words because that’s what he deserves.
Pure evil doesn’t get sympathy.
That’s what he is.

So, when he tries to jab you…
You know what to do.

You punch him in a way that makes him regret ever coming near you.

You shine Christ…



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