
Prayer isn’t a box to check in the morning or a box to check before bed.

If that’s the only time you pray, that’s a ritual…
Not a relationship.

And a relationship…
That’s what God wants with you.
Not rituals.

That doesn’t mean prayer in the morning or before bed is bad, but God wants more than that.
He doesn’t want a piece of you…
He wants the whole you.

He doesn’t want a slice of your life…
He wants to be woven into every aspect of your life.
He wants your whole heart.

He wants to be in continuous conversation.
(1 Thessalonians 5:17)

Because it’s continuous conversation that leads to an ever deeper relationship.

That doesn’t mean praying every second.
That’s not realistic.

It simply means you’re walking with Him…
You’re sharing life with Him.

It’s ongoing, authentic expression.
It’s an open heart.

It’s little things…
Lord, I pray that someone will pull out, so that I have a parking spot.

It’s big things…
Lord, I need your healing power.
You’re a healer.

It’s work things…
Bob is frustrating me today.
I pray that You would help me deal with him.
My patience is running low.

It’s all things.

It’s free from rules…
There are no right words or right length.
If it’s from your heart…
It’s perfection.

It’s access to a life that goes through life with a close relationship with the Creator of the Universe…
Is there a better life?

You can be certain there isn’t.
Let’s choose it.



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