
Many millionaires are miserable, and many people with meager means are filled with joy.

What does that tell us?

That happiness, joy, and peace of heart…
Don’t come from dollars.

It’s not something that can be bought.
Sure, it can feel good to buy something new…
That’s exciting.

But that excitement doesn’t last.
It has a short shelf life.

Not too long after, it’s just another thing that you own.
It’s not as shiny as it once was.
The luster is lost.

But the world doesn’t want you to believe that.
It wants you to keep chasing things.
It wants you to keep buying.

It wants you to keep pursuing peace…
Through purchases.

But the world can’t sell what it doesn’t have.
And it doesn’t have peace.

It only has inferior imitations.
It only has a mirage of what it looks like…
If looked at from a distance.
That’s the truth.

There’s only one source of peace.
And that’s Christ.

It’s a gift that He’s given us.
It’s equally available.
(John 14:27)

But like with any gift, the receiver has to accept it.
Otherwise, it stays wrapped and unused.
And unfortunately for most…
That’s the case.

But that’s not the case for you or me.
So, let’s embrace it.

Let’s fully accept it.
Let’s dive into the deep end of it.
Let’s be immersed by it.

That’s a life that radiates not just peace, but joy.
That’s a life that makes people look at you and wonder what it is about you that’s different.
That’s a wonderful life.

That’s a life that’s priceless.
That’s your life.



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