Not today, Satan

The devil doesn’t take days off.
He’s relentless.

He knows his time is limited.
He wants to make the most of every moment…
In the most evil way.

He’s 100% focused on distancing as many people from Christ as possible, first now, and then forever.

The Bible tells us he prowls like a lion…
Looking for someone to devour.
(1 Peter 5:8)

It’s a violent depiction.
But, it’s truth.

It’s who he is.
It’s a warning to us.
It’s wisdom.

So, every day….
Anything deceptive, anything that will deflate faith, anything that will distance people from God…
That’s what he’s trying to deliver.

He’s serving it up…
However people will eat it.

He doesn’t care about the process…
Just that it’s ingested.

That comes through seeds of doubt…
Seeds of discouragement…
Seeds of insecurity…
Seeds of fear.

That comes through whispers of lies…
He wants your mind distracted.
He wants you anxious.

He wants you thinking about failures…
He wants to diminish your worth…
He wants to destroy your joy.

He wants you to forget who you are.
But, let’s remind him…
You will not!

You stand in Christ’s strength.
You stand in His promises.
You stand in His truth.
(Ephesians 6:10-18)

What’s the truth of who you are?
You’re a child of God.
(John 1:12)

What’s the truth of who you are?
An heir to His Kingdom.
(1 Peter 2:9)

So, when he tries to tell you…
You’re not enough…
You’ll never change…
You can’t do it.

So, when he tries to tell you…
You should be worried…
You should fear.

You respond:
Not today, Satan.
Because I know who I am.
I know whose I am.
I know who fights for me.
(Exodus 14:14)

You respond:
Not today, Satan.
Because I trust in the One who holds my future.
I trust in the One who has gone before me.
(Jeremiah 29:11)

You respond:
Not today, Satan.
Because my hope is anchored in Christ.
My hope is unshakeable.
(Hebrews 6:19)

Every time he tries to discourage, distract, or deceive…
He’s going to run into the same wall with you…
Not today, Satan.

Because through Christ…
You’re victorious.
(Romans 8:37)

And that makes him…

He was crushed by the Cross.
(Colossians 2:15)

And nothing will ever, ever, ever change that.
Thank God for that.



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