
You’ve heard it too many times to count.
You undoubtedly know it…
Jesus loves you.

But sometimes what’s common…
Can be taken for granted.

That can happen with…
Jesus loves you.

It can be easy to hear it…
Nod a bit and move on.

But let’s talk about that love.
How great is that love?
It’s unfathomable.

It’s a love that led Him to sweat blood to make a way for you to spend forever with Him.
(Luke 22:44)

That’s not just some vivid Biblical language…
It’s actually an extremely rare condition that’s a result of extreme stress (called hematidrosis).

It’s a condition that causes the capillary blood vessels that feed the sweat glands to rupture.
The result: bloody sweat.

That’s what happened just before His arrest.
He knew the agony ahead.

The weight of what was to come…
Expressed by His flesh.

He had the power to avoid it.
But His love for you wouldn’t allow it.
He’d endure it.

Death on the cross…
His path.

Eternal life…
Your gift.

It’s the purest expression of love possible.
A brutal death to save your life.
That’s the love of Jesus.

So, while it may be common to hear…
Jesus loves you.

Let’s not just nod and move on.
Let everything that those words represent be felt.
Let those words hit your heart.
They mean everything.

Without that love…
We’d be hopeless.

Without that gift…
We’d be doomed.

No home in heaven.
Just burning in hell for our sins…
Well deserved.

But in the ultimate act of love…
Pain that was deserved for you was taken by Him, and a way to be with Him forever was made.
Is there any greater love?

So, let me be the one today to tell you the most valuable words in the world…
Jesus loves you.



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