
The world has a way of distracting us.
There’s always something that wants our attention…
Always something that says, look at this.

And through those distractions the truth of who we are, in Christ, can be minimized in our minds.

That’s why it’s so important that we refresh our minds about who we are in Christ…

That comes through reading verses, through prayer, through sermons, through fellowship, through anything that prioritizes God in your life.

That’s what keeps God centered in your mind.
And not on the sidelines.

So, let the truth about you listed below be a reminder to you of who you are in Christ.

You stand on the Rock that is Jesus Christ.
(Mt. 7:24)

When the storms of life come…
You stand strong.

You’re a conqueror.
(Rom. 8:37)

Nothing can keep you down!
Nothing can stop you!

When the devil tries to plant seeds of negativity…
You don’t let them take root.
You don’t let them grow.

You keep your mind focused on what’s good.
You keep your eyes fixed on Jesus.
(Heb. 12:2)

You know He is your strength.
You know you can trust Him through anything.
(Isa. 41:10)

You know He’s your helper.
(Ps. 54:4)

When you call on Him…
He will help you.
(Ps. 91:15)

You weren’t put on this earth by chance.
You were carefully crafted.
(Isa. 64:8)

You have specific abilities…
God put in you.
(1 Pet. 4:10)

Specific purpose…
God gave you.
(Eph. 2:10)

Your mistakes…
They don’t define you.
(2 Cor. 5:17)

You ask for it.
You have it.

The weight of fear, shame, guilt…
It doesn’t belong to you.
It has no hold on you.

You’re clean.
(Isa. 1:18)

You’re free.
(Jn. 8:36)

You’re loved.
(Jer. 31:3)

You’re all of this.
You’re so much more than this.
You’re wonderful.
(Ps. 139:14)

So, while the world wants to eat your attention…
While it wants you to forget all of this.
You refresh your mind with this.

You make it a priority to remember this.
You will see fruit from this.

Your life will always be better off when Christ is at the center of it, and not it in the shadows of it.

You want the key to your best life?
The key is Christ.



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