Give it to God

Just a reminder that whatever you have in front of you…
You’re more than capable of getting past it.

It may be difficult.
It may be something you don’t want to deal with.
It may be something you didn’t choose.
But, you have help.
(Isaiah 41:10)

You’re never on your own.
You’re never alone.

You have help from your Heavenly Father, always.
It’s not a, maybe this time…
It’s a promise, every time.
(Hebrews 13:5-6)

So, when you’re feeling burdened, stressed, or uncertain about something…
Give it to God.

Don’t walk with the weight of it.
You’ll wear yourself out.

He wants you to cast your cares on Him.
He cares about you.
(1 Peter 5:7)

That doesn’t mean everything is instantly easy.
But, it’s an act that elevates your trust.

It puts God in His rightful place…
At the center of your life.

It reminds you that God’s way…
Is the best way.

It releases, pressure.
It provides, peace

So, drop whatever weight is on your back.
It’s not an act of ignoring it.
It’s an act of giving it.

You’re giving it to God.
He’ll carry it.

He’ll not only carry it…
He’ll make a way through it…
You can be sure of it.

So, whatever’s in front of you…
Do your best with it, while you trust God with it.
That’s giving it to God.

You’ll find freedom from the weight of it.
That’s what God wants for you.

Take a deep breath, and say…
“God, I give it to you!”



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