The story of Job is a powerful testament.
He faced extensive suffering, lost everything he held dear, and still he held onto his faith.
He waited patiently on God, and in the end, his patience was rewarded.
“Indeed we count them blessed who endure. You have heard of the perseverance of Job and seen the end intended by the Lord—that the Lord is very compassionate and merciful.” -James 5:11, NKJV
When you’re faced with a hard situation, it can be easy to feel distant from God.
It can feel like you prayers aren’t being heard.
But, God’s silence is not His absence.
He’s with you, always.
He hears your every prayer, and is aware of every tear.
And in His perfect timing, He will act.
So, when it feels like God is distant or silent, take a deep breath, and rest assured, that just as God has been there for you before, He will see you through your current situation.
Rest assured, a better day is coming.
We don’t know all the details.
We don’t know why certain things happen.
But, what we do know is God is with us, He loves us, and He has perfect timing.
We know that He’s the same yesterday, today, and forever. (Hebrews 13:8)
And We know that He works all things together for our benefit. (Romans 8:28)
So, when a situation you’re faced with is hard, lean into your faith, not away from it.
Stay persistent in spending time with God.
Stay persistent in reading the Word.
Stay persistent in prayer.
It might not be the path or timeline you expected, but you will come out of the other side not just victorious, but stronger, wiser, and closer to God.
So, stand strong in your faith.
Keep believing.
Keep trusting.
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- With God
- Wise decisions
- Unknowns
- You’re forgiven
- Continually
- Your life
- People pleasing
- Eternity
- Roots of trust
- Decisions
- Steps of faith
- It’s a new day
- Your power
- Children
- Regret
- Flaws
- What God says
- Words have weight
- Your mind is a battlefield
- Your today is not your tomorrow
- Let’s trust
- You win
- Unbreakable
- Not today, Satan
- Truth is light
- Crafted
- Thank Him
- You’re defended
- You’re a living testimony
- Your compass
- What God wants
- Key
- Sparks
- Persistence
- Thankfulness
- Money
- It’s a promise
- Tricks & truth
- Give it to God
- Shine
- He knows all
- Your blessings
- No Lack
- Throne
- Punch
- Words matter
- Peace
- Relationship
- Closeness
- Job
- Yes
- Love
- You’re priceless
- God’s with you
- Elevate your eyes
- You’re feared
- Prayer
- Kindness
- You’re a target
- Your purpose
- Feel better
- Positivity
- No scraps
- Defeat deceit
- Rudeness
- Keep your cup full
- 1 truth
- Flee, devil
- You
- Listen
- With God, there’s a way
- Share your faith
- You’re 1 of 1
- You are valuable
- You’re going to have a good day
- Walking with God
- Always
- Eyes on Jesus
- Be persistent
- One truth
- Mistakes
- Frustration
- Your help
- Your thoughts
- Start with prayer
- Give God priority
- You are safe
- Your attitude
- Your trust
- You are…
- Protect your perspective
- God’s involved
- Defeat discouragement
- Think truth
- God is good
- You are wonderful
- You’re always cared for
- Don’t let your mood decide
- You have security in Jesus
- Prayer is the path
- Be willing
- Keep a good attitude
- Surrender, fully
- Speak truth
- You’ll be rewarded
- You’re loved, always
- Encourage others
- Feed your fire
- Jesus is greater
- Your obstacle won’t stop you
- Keep shining
- Peace protects
- Fuel your faith
- Flex your faith
- In Jesus name
- Forget age, it’s not a factor
- Written in faith
- Genuine joy
- Forget “what if”
- God’s map, not your map
- Empty your envy
- Prayer, the right way
- Trust triumphs
- Be wise with your words
- Hear from God
- Faith over feelings
- Keep praying
- Talk to God like a good friend
- Armed, always
- The war is real, the victory is yours
- What fills you, spills from you
- Your life is your message
- Revenge
- Call out to Jesus
- Nothing replaces time in the Word
- Lift your perspective
- Choose it
- Follow Him, fully
- He wants you back
- Ego, let it go
- Gossip
- Choose thankfulness
- Be loyal, be used
- Let rudeness roll off you
- Focus on today, trust God with tomorrow
- Wait on wisdom
- Be a God pleaser, not a people pleaser
- You have the key, use it
- Give your gift
- Ask
- God will be there for you
- Embrace His grace
- Go to God more
- Devil, bye bye
- Let’s listen
- God knows your needs
- A Christ-centered life is a supernatural life
- Pour it on
- He’s…
- Walk in faith
- One day…
- And then in a moment
- Faith endures
- Does God get priority?
- Look forward
- Persist
- Keep in mind the motive
- Don’t follow culture, follow Christ
- Trust Him, completely
- Rest in God’s presence
- Don’t forget who you are
- You’re forgiven, step forward
- Helping is healing
- Key to contentment
- Do your part
- Going through something difficult?
- Expect obstacles
- Claim the words of the Word
- You’re protected
- Depend on God
- Rest is vital
- Invest in relationships
- Don’t worry about what other people think
- A prayer for you
- God is at work in your life, always
- The answer is always, go to God
- Don’t respond in kind, be kind
- Expectant prayers, are faith-filled prayers
- Make decisions based on peace, not logic
- Heaven is greater than we can imagine
- Use your God-given gifts, to live out your God-given purpose
- Live thankful, and you’ll live joyful
- Your daily life is your greatest testimony
- Encourage yourself with God given truths
- Surrender
- Do the people you know, know you are a Christian?
- A relationship with God is a gift from God
- Stay persistent in prayer
- God has a specific time table
- Relax, let God be God
- God…
- Increase your thankfulness, and you’ll increase your happiness
- Fight for time with God, daily
- God’s Word is victorious, so let our thoughts be victorious
- A day without prayer is a day without power
- Pray for wisdom
- Your impact is greater than you know
- Show up
- Keys to a calm mind
- When God answers a prayer or works in your life… write it down
- What do you consume?
- Your body is a temple of God, take care of it
- Seeds of faith, can grow to forests of faith
- When something encourages you, save it, and reread it
- Live a life close to God, and people will be amazed at what happens in your life
- Your value
- Never minimize your potential
- Are you available?
- Heaven is home
- If He’s not God of all, He’s not God at all
- Are you worried about something?
- How long do we have?
- Trust God
- To love God is to obey God
- Vocalize your prayers
- What’s on your heart? Bring it to God
- Feed your soul, but share your food
- Freedom from fear and worry
- Prayer for you
- Start with prayer, not plans
- Be thankful
- Cut your comparing
- Let go
- Keep an eternal perspective
- Reminder to you about you
- When you feel led by God to pursue something, stay persistent
- Stay positive
- A thankful heart is a happy heart