Defeat deceit

If you’re having any negative thoughts today…
I want to remind that the best way to destroy those thoughts is with God-given truth.

There is no negativity in Christ.
It’s all from the devil.

He hates you as much as God loves you.
And he wants you as hopeless as possible because he wants you as far from Christ as possible.

But he can find someone else because the only direction you’re going is closer to Christ.

So, when he’s up to his tricks, and he’s trying to plant thoughts of negativity, thoughts of discouragement…
You flush that deceit with truth.

You’ve made mistakes…
You’re a mess.

I’m redeemed by Christ, and everything will work together for my benefit.
(Romans 8:28)

You have people against you…
Who don’t like you.

With God for me, I fear no one.
My trust rests in Him.
(Romans 8:31)

You’re not sure what decision to make.
You lack wisdom.

When I ask God for wisdom…
He gives generously.
(James 1:5)

There are so many more examples.
Whatever deceit you may have in your mind…
There’s truth to expose it.

But you need to know truth…
To use truth.

That’s why it’s so important to know Scripture…
So you know who you are in Christ.

That’s what turns a Christian…
Into a loaded weapon.

That’s how you defeat deceit.



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