
We can click a button and have all sorts of entertainment available instantly.

We can click a button and have all sorts of products delivered almost instantly.

We’ve been trained to expect things quickly.
Thank technology.

But one thing that can’t come from a click…
A close relationship.

That comes through time.
That comes through conversations.
There’s no shortcut.

Your deepest relationships are those you’ve had the most conversations with.

It’s those you’ve given prioritization.
It’s as simple as that.

It’s equally as true of your family and friends as it is of your relationship with God.

How much priority do you give God?
Is it scraps of time?

Is it time only when you’re in a tough situation?
Is it just church?

We don’t want weak roots.
We want deep roots.

We’ve been given the gift of being able to have a close relationship with the Creator of the Universe.

But we have to choose it.
We have to make Him a priority not just sometimes or on Sundays, but every day.

That’s a life deeply rooted in Christ.
That’s a life that when winds blow strong…
The life stands strong.

That’s a life with less stress because it knows it’s planted in the soil of Christ.
That’s a wonderful life.

Let’s experience that life.
Let’s prioritize Him.

The Bible says that when we draw near to Him…
He will draw near to us.
(James 4:8)

He doesn’t force that choice.
We make that choice.

So, let’s make that choice and experience a relationship with Him that few will experience.
That’s our best life.



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