
Why is it so important for us to continually fill our minds with the truth of Scripture?

Because we live in a world that continually tries to strip that truth out of us.

It wants us to forget who we are in Christ.
It wants us to feel inferior.

An insecure and fear-filled person…
That’s a person who is not reflecting Christ.
That’s exactly what the devil wants.

The more diminished we feel…
The more out of the way we are…
Not making a difference.

It only makes sense that a world under the devil’s influence (1 John 5:19) wants us feeling inadequate and chasing satisfaction in purchases.

But there is no lasting satisfaction to be found in this world.

You can feel it…
For a moment.

But soon after…
It disappears.

That’s because the world can’t give…
What it doesn’t have.

It can provide replacements.
It can provide imitations.

But the only true satisfaction…
Is in Christ.

That’s why it’s so important for us to continually refresh our minds with truth—through the Word, Biblical teachings, and encouragement.

Without continually feeding our souls…
We risk losing sight of His promises and perspective.
The world will distract us.

But when our minds are refreshed by truth…
It anchors us in truth.

It strengthens our faith.
It reinforces our armor of protection.
It renews our spirit.

That’s the key to a strong Christian life.
That’s what sends the lies that try to sneak into our minds running far, far away.



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