
Just as God doesn’t want any soul to perish…
The devil wants every soul to perish.

He’s relentless in his pursuit of people’s faithlessness.
And to try to make that possible…
He tries everything possible.

But his top tactic is often little sparks of defeated thoughts that he tries to ignite in minds.

Because it’s through little sparks of defeated thoughts that move from flicker to flame to fire…
That destruction results.

The devil’s masterful at harming people.
It doesn’t make sense for him to deliver a blazing fire.
That would scare people.

But sparks…
He loves.

Sparks can seem innocent…
They can seem small.

But sparks left uncontrolled…
Become uncontrollable.

Every destructive fire…
Started with a spark.

Every mind filled with defeat…
Started with a spark.

So, keep your mind aware of thoughts of defeat that the devil tries to ignite in your mind.

If it’s a thought of defeat…
It’s not from Christ.

You know who it’s from.
You know what it wants to become.
It wants to hurt you.

So, when there’s a spark of defeat…
You snuff it out with Scripture.
You extinguish it.

“No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us.”
-Romans 8:37, NLT

You remind yourself of truth.
Because truth takes the oxygen from deception.
It exposes it, and kills it.

There’s power in the Word of God.
It’s a weapon of protection.
Let’s use it.



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