Hi, I’m Steinar
I’m a big believer that we could all use some extra Biblically based encouragement to help us stay strong in our faith, so that’s why I created Faith Up.
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To read, click below.
- With God
- Wise decisions
- Unknowns
- You’re forgiven
- Continually
- Your life
- People pleasing
- Eternity
- Roots of trust
- Decisions
- Steps of faith
- It’s a new day
- Your power
- Children
- Regret
- Flaws
- What God says
- Words have weight
- Your mind is a battlefield
- Your today is not your tomorrow
- Let’s trust
- You win
- Unbreakable
- Not today, Satan
- Truth is light
- Crafted
- Thank Him
- You’re defended
- You’re a living testimony
- Your compass
- What God wants
- Key
- Sparks
- Persistence
- Thankfulness
- Money
- It’s a promise
- Tricks & truth
- Give it to God
- Shine
- He knows all
- Your blessings
- No Lack
- Throne
- Punch
- Words matter
- Peace
- Relationship
- Closeness
- Job
- Yes
- Love
- You’re priceless
- God’s with you
- Elevate your eyes
- You’re feared
- Prayer
- Kindness
- You’re a target
- Your purpose
- Feel better
- Positivity
- No scraps
- Defeat deceit
- Rudeness
- Keep your cup full
- 1 truth
- Flee, devil
- You
- Listen
- With God, there’s a way
- Share your faith
- You’re 1 of 1
- You are valuable
- You’re going to have a good day
- Walking with God
- Always
- Eyes on Jesus
- Be persistent
- One truth
- Mistakes
- Frustration
- Your help
- Your thoughts
- Start with prayer
- Give God priority
- You are safe
- Your attitude
- Your trust
- You are…
- Protect your perspective
- God’s involved
- Defeat discouragement
- Think truth
- God is good
- You are wonderful
- You’re always cared for
- Don’t let your mood decide
- You have security in Jesus
- Prayer is the path
- Be willing
- Keep a good attitude
- Surrender, fully
- Speak truth
- You’ll be rewarded
- You’re loved, always
- Encourage others
- Feed your fire
- Jesus is greater
- Your obstacle won’t stop you
- Keep shining
- Peace protects
- Fuel your faith
- Flex your faith
- In Jesus name
- Forget age, it’s not a factor
- Written in faith
- Genuine joy
- Forget “what if”
- God’s map, not your map
- Empty your envy
- Prayer, the right way
- Trust triumphs
- Be wise with your words
- Hear from God
- Faith over feelings
- Keep praying
- Talk to God like a good friend
- Armed, always
- The war is real, the victory is yours
- What fills you, spills from you
- Your life is your message
- Revenge
- Call out to Jesus
- Nothing replaces time in the Word
- Lift your perspective
- Choose it
- Follow Him, fully
- He wants you back
- Ego, let it go
- Gossip
- Choose thankfulness
- Be loyal, be used
- Let rudeness roll off you
- Focus on today, trust God with tomorrow
- Wait on wisdom
- Be a God pleaser, not a people pleaser
- You have the key, use it
- Give your gift
- Ask
- God will be there for you
- Embrace His grace
- Go to God more
- Devil, bye bye
- Let’s listen
- God knows your needs
- A Christ-centered life is a supernatural life
- Pour it on
- He’s…
- Walk in faith
- One day…
- And then in a moment
- Faith endures
- Does God get priority?
- Look forward
- Persist
- Keep in mind the motive
- Don’t follow culture, follow Christ
- Trust Him, completely
- Rest in God’s presence
- Don’t forget who you are
- You’re forgiven, step forward
- Helping is healing
- Key to contentment
- Do your part
- Going through something difficult?
- Expect obstacles
- Claim the words of the Word
- You’re protected
- Depend on God
- Rest is vital
- Invest in relationships
- Don’t worry about what other people think
- A prayer for you
- God is at work in your life, always
- The answer is always, go to God
- Don’t respond in kind, be kind
- Expectant prayers, are faith-filled prayers
- Make decisions based on peace, not logic
- Heaven is greater than we can imagine
- Use your God-given gifts, to live out your God-given purpose
- Live thankful, and you’ll live joyful
- Your daily life is your greatest testimony
- Encourage yourself with God given truths
- Surrender
- Do the people you know, know you are a Christian?
- A relationship with God is a gift from God
- Stay persistent in prayer
- God has a specific time table
- Relax, let God be God
- God…
- Increase your thankfulness, and you’ll increase your happiness
- Fight for time with God, daily
- God’s Word is victorious, so let our thoughts be victorious
- A day without prayer is a day without power
- Pray for wisdom
- Your impact is greater than you know
- Show up
- Keys to a calm mind
- When God answers a prayer or works in your life… write it down
- What do you consume?
- Your body is a temple of God, take care of it
- Seeds of faith, can grow to forests of faith
- When something encourages you, save it, and reread it
- Live a life close to God, and people will be amazed at what happens in your life
- Your value
- Never minimize your potential
- Are you available?
- Heaven is home
- If He’s not God of all, He’s not God at all
- Are you worried about something?
- How long do we have?
- Trust God
- To love God is to obey God
- Vocalize your prayers
- What’s on your heart? Bring it to God
- Feed your soul, but share your food
- Freedom from fear and worry
- Prayer for you
- Start with prayer, not plans
- Be thankful
- Cut your comparing
- Let go
- Keep an eternal perspective
- Reminder to you about you
- When you feel led by God to pursue something, stay persistent
- Stay positive
- A thankful heart is a happy heart