You’re feared

The devil is vicious.
(1 Peter 5:8)

But that doesn’t mean he’s fearless.
He fears you.

He fears the light of Christ that shines through you.
He fears the power of God in you.

He fears your faith.
He fears you’re God-dependent…
Not self-sufficient.

He fears you don’t just read the Word, you know the Word, you use the Word.

He fears you’re not a sometimes prayer.
But an everyday prayer.

He fears you know life isn’t just about you…
You know life is about living a life that looks like Jesus that bring more people to Jesus.

He fears when it comes to you…
His hope of you being hopeless is hopeless.
You’re not his victim.

I write this as a reminder that we can approach each day with complete confidence, knowing we’re in a position of power through Christ.

Challenging circumstances…
Don’t change that.

Situations of aggravation…
Don’t change that.

There’ll be things that are unpleasant.
That’s life.

But a champion isn’t defined by freedom from battles.
But victory through them.

And that’s who you are…
Through Christ.

So, rest in the confidence that whatever you face…
It’s simply a stepping stone…
Not a roadblock.

You’re going to get past it.
You can count on it.



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