Words matter

We’ve likely all heard the children’s phrase…
Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.

It’s a catchy phrase, but it’s not true.
Words do hurt.

There’s power in what we say.
The Bible tells us this.
(Proverbs 18:21)

Our words have weight.
They carry meaning.
They influence.

They can uplift.
They can tear down.
They matter.

The world often tells us to speak our minds.
To let it all out.

But that’s not Biblical wisdom.
That’s worldly foolishness.

The Bible tells us to guard our tongues.
To speak with intention.

It tells us that when we watch what we say, we protect ourselves from trouble.
(Proverbs 21:23)

It tells us that rash words bring ruin.
(Proverbs 13:3)

It’s reckless words that ignite anger.
It’s anger that ignites revenge.
It doesn’t make friends.
It makes enemies.

It’s words.
It’s power.

What we say matters!
It matters!

And what we say to ourselves…
Matters just as much.

Words are equally as powerful outward…
As they are inward.

What are you telling yourself?

Are you speaking truth to yourself?
Are you encouraging yourself with what God says?
That’s what God wants.

That’s what kills the seeds of defeat that the devil is trying to plant in your mind.
Suffocate those seeds.

Speak God’s Word over your life.
Those seeds of defeat will shrivel up and die.
They have no home with you.

You’re strong.
(Phil. 4:13)

You’re favored.
(Ps. 5:12)

That’s a sample.
God says so much more.
Say it to yourself.

Not just once.
Make a habit out of it.
Refuel with it.

You’ll be energized by it.
You’ll be propelled forward by it.
You’ll be empowered.

That’s the power that exists when what you say meets the Word of God.

That’s enough power to light up the world.
So, let’s use our words wisely.
Words matter.



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