Truth is light

If you’re living Christ-like…
If you’re living a life that glorifies God…
If you’re spreading the Gospel in any way…
The devil fears you.

He fears the light of your life that is Christ.
He doesn’t want you shining truth.
He thrives in darkness.

You infuriate him.
You expose him.

You’re a threat to him.
You defeat him.

When it comes to you…
He just runs into a wall of truth.
And runs away.
(James 4:7)

He doesn’t know what to do with you because he doesn’t know what to do with truth.
He can’t trick truth.

His lies only have power when they’re believed…
When someone is deceived.

But you’re shining a thousand lights on his lies.
Like a criminal caught on camera…
His plot unravels.

It’s no wonder he fears you…
Your life is everything he opposes.
Your life is a positive influence.
Your life has purpose.

So, step into every day with confidence.
You’re empowered with truth, and you’re equipped through Christ to conquer whatever you face.
That’s you!

You’re too special for the devil to forget about, so expect his desperate attempts to disrupt your faith.
They’ll continue.

But he’s going to find out that the day may be different, but the story is the same.
You’re victorious.

And God has more glory.
That’s the story.



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