
There will be people that try to upset you.
It may be someone who knows you’re a Christian, and can’t stand that you’re a Christian.

They see joy in you, and that upsets them.
It’s twisted, but it happens.

It happens because your life convicts theirs.
You’re a reminder that each person isn’t their own god.
You’re a reminder that there’s one truth.

You’re a reminder that lasting joy doesn’t come from selfishness, but through selflessness.

The Bible says you’ll know a tree by its fruit. (Luke 6:44)
And your branches are full of joy.
That speaks for itself.

They have empty branches.
And prideful roots.

That speaks for itself.

If they just looked at their bare branches, and didn’t let the deceit of their pride, drive…
They’d see that the water that nourishes you is a well that never dries.

It’s a well that welcomes them to quench their thirst.
But they have to humble themselves…
To drink from it.

That’s the only way.

They need to see that they can’t save themselves.
There’s only one Savior…
That’s Jesus Christ.

Your life is a light that illuminates that truth.
Your fruit is a sign that says…
Jesus is the way.

So, when someone tries to upset you, make fun of you, or whatever they try to do…
Don’t take it personally.

It’s because they’re prideful.

The light of your life exposes the darkness in theirs.
So, they try to dim your light.

But the only way they’ll find the way…
Is to see the way.

So, keep showing the way.
You’re shining the light of Christ in your life.
That’s the right light.



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