Your compass

When there’s something on your heart…
It’s not by accident.
It’s intentional.

It’s God nudging you.
It’s God speaking to you.
It’s direction.

It could be regarding a decision you should make.
It could be something you should say.
It could be anything.

But, if you feel a pull at your heart…
Pay attention to it.

You may love where that pull is pointing you…
So, the decision is easy.

Other times, you may try to fight it…
You may try to suppress it.
You may ignore it.

You may not like where it’s guiding you because it’s somewhere you’ve never been before.
It’s full of unknowns.

You may not like that it involves saying something that seems scary to say.

Will you be judged for saying it?
Will you be made fun of?

But, here’s the thing…
God didn’t call us to be timid Christians.
That’s a fearful life.

There’s no fear in Christ.
There’s victory.

That’s all you’ll find in Him, and you’ve accepted Him.
So, that victory is in you.

Any worries of unknowns…
Any worries of other people’s opinions…
It just doesn’t matter.

What matters is the direction you feel in your heart.
What matters is where God’s guiding you.
What matters is listening.
(Proverbs 16:9)

Everything else is a distraction that’s trying to derail you from where God is trying to take you.
Everything else is inferior.

If you have conviction in your heart about doing something or saying something…
Step out in faith.

His ways are always better…
Than anything else.

Our job isn’t to figure everything out.
It’s to listen.

It’s in hindsight that we’ll see how all the pieces to the puzzle fell into perfect place.

You’ll be left saying…
Wow, there’s no way that was possible without Christ.
Wow, there’s supernatural power in my life.
(Philippians 4:13)

That’s what I want you to be saying.
That’s what I want to be saying.

Let’s listen to what God puts on our hearts.
We’ll be saying it.



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