
We live in a world where instant is expected.
We have conveniences that make it easy to order just about anything with a couple clicks.

We have instant meals, instant entertainment…
Instant is everywhere.

It’s wonderful in many ways, but it creates an expectation of instant that can easily spill over into all areas of our lives.

If something doesn’t happen quickly…
Frustration arrives quickly.

And if something is too frustrating…
The next step is quitting.

But, let me encourage you…
If you have conviction in your heart about something, but the path seems unclear…
Keep taking steps forward.

It’s not your job to know every twist and turn.
It’s not your job to see the whole picture.
It’s your job to walk in faith.

God speaks to us through our conscience…
He speaks through our hearts.

If you feel strongly about something…
If you feel peace about it…
That’s the answer.

Step forward with it.
Do what you can with what’s before you.
Doors will open.

Don’t let a self-defined timeframe…
Derail you from where God wants to take you.
Trust that He’s refining you.
And aligning you.

Trust His timing.

That desire you have in you…
It’s not there by accident.
It’s instilled in you.

He didn’t just create you…
He’s always had good things in mind for you.
You have specific purpose.
(Ephesians 2:10)

And that purpose doesn’t start or stop at a certain age.
If you’re breathing air into your lungs…
You have purpose in you.

So, let’s do our part…
Be persistent in what pulls at your heart.
Listen to God’s guiding.
Trust Him.

It’s the right road.
It’s taking you in the right direction.
It’s God at work…
In your life.



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