You’re defended

Someone talking behind your back?
Someone up to dirty tricks?

God knows it.
God sees it.

You don’t have to worry about “getting even.”
You don’t have to take matters into your own hands to “set things straight.”

Yes, stand up for yourself, when it’s called for.
But, leave retaliation to God.

“Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: ‘It is mine to avenge; I will repay,’ says the Lord.”
-Romans 12:19, NIV

Take comfort in knowing that God is your defender.
He’s the greatest protector.

When someone is trying to derail you…
He’s going to propel you.

What was meant to harm you…
God’s going to turn into something that benefits you.
Just like He did with Joseph.
(Genesis 50:20)

God watches over His people.
And you’re His child.
(John 1:12)

So, when someone tries to negatively impact you…
When they try to throw dirt on you…
Know that the filth is on their hands, and there’s not going to be a smudge of dirt on you.

Efforts to suppress you…
They’re going to backfire and elevate you.
(Romans 8:28)

Anyone standing in your way…
They might as well wave because they’re going to watch you go right by.



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