Your purpose

We’ve been given free will, but it’s listening to God’s will that’s our most fulfilling life.

That’s where we walk in God-given purpose.
That’s where favor flows.

That’s living out what God put in you.
(Ephesians 2:10)

And that purpose doesn’t start or end at a certain age.
There’s no graduating into your purpose.
There’s no retiring from it.

Daniel wasn’t too young.
Moses wasn’t too old.

We’re just easily accustomed to viewing things through a world view, not a God view.

A God view has no rules, just an expectation that God will do great things.

So, wherever you are in life, if you have breath in you, you have purpose in you.

Do your best to walk in that purpose by listening to the nudges God puts on your heart.
Follow the peace He provides.
That’s your compass.

You may never know the true impact you made in someone’s life through encouragement, a helping hand, kindness, prayers, an invitation to church, etc.

But you can trust that if your heart is open to God’s guidance, and you’re listening to His direction…
Your impact is eternal.

You can trust that God is pleased with you because you’re living out the purpose He placed in you.

That’s a blessed life.



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