Heaven is greater than we can imagine

“… “No eye has seen, no ear has heard,
and no mind has imagined
what God has prepared
for those who love Him.””
-1 Corinthians 2:9, NLT

Imagine what you think heaven might be like.
That thought is a drop of water in the ocean, to what God has prepared for you in heaven.

The verse tells us, we can’t even comprehend it.
Our minds can’t imagine it.
That’s pretty breathtaking if you think about it.

Let that be a boost of joy to you today.
Knowing, that your heavenly Father has prepared a place, beyond your imagination, for you to spend eternity.

Your current ailments, may be painful.
You may be going through a hard situation.
But, take joy, in knowing that that pain and that situation, are temporary.

And your eternal home, is free of all of that, forever.

Thank you, Lord!



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