Keep praying

You’re in a tough situation.
You’re in pain.

You’ve been praying.
But, no change.

Your prayer hasn’t been answered.
But, you keep praying.

More time.
More prayers.
More silence.

You start wondering…
“Why isn’t He answering my prayer?
“Why am I dealing with this?”
“Where’s God?”

Those wonders might start making you feel alone.
Like you’re bearing things on your own.
But, you’re not.

What may feel like silence is not God’s absence.
He’s always paying attention to you.
He hears every prayer.
Every thought.
Every word.

You are His child.
You are never forgotten.
You are on His mind.
You are loved.

That never changes.
But, we change.

An unanswered prayer can make our emotions move up and down like oceans.
It can cause frustrations.
It can cause questions.
It’s human.

But, I want to encourage you…
Stay anchored in Christ.

Don’t let your feelings, dictate your faith.
A delay is not a denial.

God’s working.
We may not understand why there’s a delay.
But, our ways aren’t God’s ways.

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord.
(Isaiah 55:8, NIV)

God has His reasons.
It’s not our job to know why.
It’s our job to keep praying, and praising.
He’s working.

“And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.”
(Romans 8:28, NIV)

When a prayer is unanswered…
Cling to that verse.

Your today is not your tomorrow.
God is working.

Things are shifting.
Whether you see it with your eyes today, or not.
God is working.

His Word is His promise.
And He promises that everything in your life will work out to your benefit.
(Romans 8:28)


So, I want to encourage you to…
Keep praying.
Keep praising.
Keep going.

God is with you.
God is paying attention.
God is good.

Everything will work out to your benefit.
Today’s challenge, will be another day’s memory.
Great days are ahead for you.
You’re on your way.



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