You’re loved, always

You’ve heard…
God loves you.

It’s easy to hear that, nod your head a bit, and move on.

But, His love, is your salvation.
Without His love, there would be no heaven for you.
You’d be dead in your sin.

It’s the depth of His love that sent Jesus to the cross to pay your debt.
His life, saved yours.
Because of love.

It was a brutal death.
Because of love.

Don’t take it for granted.
Respect His love.

Take time to slow down, and think about His love.
It’s barely understandable.
It’s so infinite.

It’s undeserved.
It’s unearned.
It’s endless.

It’s always.
It’s pure.

So, if there’s ever a time you feel unloved, know that that’s a lie.
That’s the devil at work.
Doing what he does.

You’re loved, always.
Every second.
Every day.

Let that truth seep into your soul today.
You’ll feel grateful.
You’ll feel loved.
You are loved.

“For the Lord is good. His unfailing love continues forever, and his faithfulness continues to each generation.”
(Psalm 100:5, NLT)

Heavenly Father, thank you.
We love you.



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