You’re 1 of 1

Almost 8 billion people on this earth.
And you’re the only you.

No one else has your smile, your eyes, your personality.
No one else has your gifts, your purpose.
You’re completely unique.
You’re God-designed.

You’re 1 of 1.

Yet sometimes that truth is clouded.
Because we put certain people on a pedestal, and let their perspective define us.

It could be someone you know, who speaks negativity, and that seeps into how you view you.

It could be someone you see, who you’d like to be like, and that makes you feel inferior.

Well let me tell you…
If someone is speaking negativity at you…
Remember, it takes being beneath you to be in a position to try to pull you down.
That’s where they stand.

Let me tell you something else…
Trying to be like someone else is like trying to quench your thirst watching someone else drink.
It’s not going to work.

So, my encouragement…
If you find yourself feeling inadequate because of someone else, like a body that needs to get bathed, you go to the Word and cleanse your mind.
You wash it with truth.

You’re highly valued in God’s eyes.
(Matthew 10:30-31)

You were made a specific way to do specific things.
(Ephesians 2:10)

You were wonderfully made.
(Psalm 139:14)

That’s truth.
That’s you.



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