Your value

Where do you put your value?

Your job?

How much money you have?

How you look?

Who you know?

The praise people give you?

A skill?

A talent?

Your kids?

Your spouse?

Something else?

This world is full of people who put their value in something… other than God.

You are priceless to God.

You are unendingly loved by God.

You are precious to Him.

He wants the best for you.

He wants to bless you.

Yet… it’s so easy for people in general, including Christians, to put their value in something fleeting.

Money will come and go.

The appeal of your looks, will come and go.

Stuff we own, will come and go.

People we put our faith in will disappoint us.

The only constant is God.

Your marvelous value comes from God.

He provides strength, wisdom, peace, possessions, relationships, and everything else.

He’s our rock.

He’s our source.

Putting our value in anything other than God, will end up in hurt.

That doesn’t mean we can’t appreciate something we have, an ability, a thing… that doesn’t mean we can’t appreciate relationships… but it’s when we find our value, our identify, or worth in something of this world… that’s when we’re in trouble… that’s when we’ll end up in pain and disappointment.

Put your value in God!

Recognize that your value comes from nothing in this world.

God created you.

God created you to be exactly who you are.

God created you to be unique.

You are loved beyond measure by the Creator of everything.

He cares about every detail of your life.

He’s there for you to pray to, to have conversation with, to talk about anything big or small.

What a wonderful feeling that is when you think about it.

Think about it!

Reflect on it.

It will fill you with joy.

It will make you proud to be a Christian.

It will make you realize how special you are.

It will shift any value you find in yourself from anything in this world to proper alignment with how God sees you.

Wonderful and priceless.

You are loved.



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