Devil, bye bye

The devil hates you.
And the devil isn’t messing around.

He will come at you.
He wants your eyes off God, because God is your shield, your strength, your wisdom.

He’s going to try to use whatever weapon he can to crush your faith, which is often through doubt, worry, and fear.

He loves these weapons because if he can get a foot inside the door of your mind, he can pry his way in with more and more thoughts that aim to defeat and destroy.

So, I encourage you to recognize these thoughts for what they are, devil seeds.

The reality is, your faith, your trust in God, is a far greater weapon than anything of his.

You have victory, through God.
You have protection, and provision, through God.
You have wisdom, through God.
You’re fully equipped to handle, and go through, whatever you face, through God.

You have everything you need, through God, the Creator of everything.

So, stay in faith!
Don’t give the devil an inch in your life.
Rebuke him, and his tactics.
Keep your focus on God, and keep your trust in God.
Keep believing.

And you’ll kick the devil away…
“… Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” (James 4:7, ESV)

Bye bye.



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