
You’ve been talked about behind your back.
You’ve been taken advantage of.
Your trust has been broken.
You’ve been insulted.

And you want to retaliate.
You want revenge.

It’s understandable, yes.
It’s a natural desire to want justice.
It’s a natural desire to want to give someone a dose of their own medicine, to make them feel the hurt, the pain, the betrayal that they’ve made you feel.

But, God wants something better.

He wants to step in.
He wants to deliver justice.
He wants to repay, on your behalf…
“Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: ‘It is mine to avenge; I will repay,’ says the Lord.” (Romans 12:19, NIV)

How sweet is that?

It puts a smile on my face.
And it should put a smile on your face.

It feels good.


Because we have a deep desire for justice.
And to know that mighty God, all-knowing, all-powerful, will step in to deliver justice on our behalf…
It feels good.

So, when wrong happens…
Know, He’s not going to let them get away with it.
Know, He’ll deliver what’s just.
Know, He’s your defender.

His Word is truth.
It’s a promise.

So, let go of being a revenge giver.
And let God deliver.

It’s not giving that person “a pass”, it’s letting God step in, to give them what they deserve.
He knows what’s best.
He’s just.

So, leave it with God.
And go on.

You free yourself.
You free your emotions.

God will handle it.
God is good.



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