Armed, always

Building a house…
Some have done it once.
Some many times.

But for anyone, every house built increases effectiveness.
There’s less wondering.
There’s less fumbling.
There’s less stress.

Something unexpected could happen, and what to do next, comes to mind right away.
There’s confidence to correct, and continue.
There’s power in knowing.
There’s swiftness.

And so it is with God’s Word.
And so it is with putting His Word to memory.

A verse memorized is a weapon ready to use.
Add more to memory, and your selection of weapons becomes greater.

Your ability to defeat an attack immediately, increases.
Your ability to move past it faster is easier.

Less time for lies to linger.
Less time for worry, and fear to take root.
Quicker speed to defeat the devil.
And kick him far away.

That’s the power of putting verses to memory.

You’re a soldier.
You’re armed.

But you need practice, just like any soldier.
Practice brings familiarity.
Practice brings comfort.
Practice brings power.

Practice brings the ability to instinctively react, in the right way, at the right moment.
So, practice.

Repeat the verses you want to memorize.
Take one at a time.

You’ll be quick to kick the devil in his teeth.
You’ll send him running away.

“… Resist the devil and he will flee from you.”
(James 4:7, NKJV)

You’ll be armed.



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