Get rid of worry

The moment a worry-filled thought comes into your mind, kill it.

A fire dies when there is no oxygen for it to feed off.
Kill the oxygen of a worry the moment it comes into your mind to rid yourself of it.

Redirect your thoughts the moment a worry comes into your mind to a praise-filled thought.

Worry and worship cannot coexist.
Whichever is fed, whichever gets your mind’s attention, is where your thoughts will go.

Thank God for something He has done in your life.
Thank God that He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
Thank God that He’s with you.
Thank God that He has taken you through circumstances and situations before.

Praise Him, trusting that He’s going to get you through whatever situation you’re in right now.

Thank God for His peace in uncertain situations.
Thank God that He is above all.
Thank God that He is in complete control.
Thank God that His power is at work in your life.

Let those praise-filled thoughts saturate your mind, let them build your faith, let them build your trust so that whatever you’re facing, you know that God is greater and God will get you through it!

Commit the situation to Him.

And any time a worry enters your mind, fight it; fight it again and again with worship.

Worry will try to come after you; it’s straight from the devil.
It’s a tool he uses to try to get us to destroy ourselves.

He exists to do nothing but destroy. (“The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy…” John 10:10, NKJV)
Be consistent in fighting any feelings of fear and worry with praise and worship.

It may be hard at first, but keep fighting worry with worship, and it will become more natural and instinctual to you.

And the more you do that, the more you are flexing your faith muscle, growing stronger and stronger, building the strength that will punch those worries in the mouth, sending them straight back to hell where they came from.

Worry conquered by praise and trust in God is peace, peace of heart and peace of mind.

That’s what God wants for us.

That’s a life completely dependent on Him, fully trusting Him.
That’s a life that’s not only good for our heart, mind, and soul but also our overall health.



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